Do you have a specific question you've been dying to ask Johnny Depp or Tim Burton? This Wednesday, December 5th, the two will be answering fan-submitted questions at AOL Moviefone as part of their Unscripted interview series. Click here for all the info on how to submit a question!* Be sure to check back on AOL Moviefone on Wednesday, December 19th to watch UnScripted and see if they answered your question! SWEENEY TODD: THE DEMON BARBER OF FLEET STREET Never Forgive. Never Forget. Christmas
Tim Burton did an interview with the Baguette:
An Air of Expectation

Tim Burton was jittery when the Baguette interviewed him recently but who could blame him? He’s got both a movie — “Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street,” and a baby — with Helena Bonham Carter — making an appearance in the world about the same time. “I’m a bit nervous about both I guess,” Mr. Burton said.
Ms. Carter co-stars in “Sweeney” as Mrs. Lovett, and Sacha Baron Cohen plays looney rival barber Signor Adolfo Pirelli. The Baguette asked Mr. Burton about casting non-singers in the title roles of the film.
“It gives the film, I think an extra layer of something that you don’t necessarily get from the stage,” which led the Baguette to ask about the casting of Mr. Cohen, who inhabited a similarly over-the-top persona as Borat.
“Sacha, he’s great! I’ll never forget it, he came in to audition and he had the book for ‘Fiddler on the Roof’ and basically did pretty much the whole song book,” Mr. Burton said. “I knew he could do it. He has no fear.”
Mr. Burton’s most palpable fears involved Stephen Sondheim’s reaction to his film.
“I was so nervous. I think I was more nervous showing it to him than anybody.”
Before they showed the movie to Mr. Sondheim he told the producers, “You show him the movie. I’ll be down at the pub down the street.” Mr. Burton said he was relieved that Mr. Sondheim liked the film. “He was extremely positive.”
As the Bagger mentioned, the movie has a rather crimson palette.
“We tried to use a bright color red, you know, because it’s Christmas.”
Hollywood actor JOHNNY DEPP enjoyed shooting gory scenes for his new movie SWEENY TODD - because he loved getting drenched in fake blood.
The Pirates of the Caribbean star, 44, found it hilarious watching the film crew being hit by the red corn syrup mixture used in violent scenes.
He says, "Everyone except me was covered in plastic. It was a bizarre sight.
There'd be a countdown - three - two - one... action. Then blammo (sic), a deluge of what looked like blood! It tasted kind of syrupy. It was also oily so it got pretty slippery."
Can Sweeney score best Pic?
I think so---- The Envelope talks about Sweeney and the oscars (most likely going to come up again), I sure think that Sweeney is going to be the best (and the most anticipated!!!) movie of the year.
Danny Elfman's next movie score is reported to be for 'Wanted' a movie based on a graphic novel by Mark Miller. It will be directed by Timur Bekmambetov with Universal, starring Angelina Jolie, James McAvoy and Morgan Freeman. Read the entire story from here.
Johnny Depp Can Sing? (from oh yes, he can ;)
A BURTON BALLET?!?!?! umm, well...
Director TIM BURTON has found the ultimate test of Hollywood superstar JOHNNY DEPP's talents - a movie ballet. The pair have worked together in six movies to date, including Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow, the forthcoming Sweeney Todd - and Burton has yet to found a skill Depp can't pick up. He says, "Singing could be his limit. Dancing I'm not sure about. I've asked him to do a ballet next and he's not sure about that one."
Helena talks to about the baby:
By the time you read this Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter could be parents again, judging by the size of the eight-and-a-half-month pregnant Bonham Carter when we interviewed her in London this past week for Sweeney Todd.
"It could be any minute, you'll be the first to know," said the fatigued, short-of-breath actress, who carried her own pillow into the room to place on her chair for our interview. She found out she was pregnant halfway through filming Burton's dark and bloody movie adaptation of the Steven Sondheim musical (in which she plays Mrs. Lovett).
"Tim's first reaction was, 'I guess I'm going to have to be nice to you now.' And the next day he put me on a spinning machine for my waltz with Johnny (Depp). And I had morning sickness. The crew had no idea, they just thought I was just weak and pathetic."
Meanwhile, the sixth Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is already shooting, with the producers waiting on the birth of Helena's baby so she can get back to playing the part of Sirius Black's murderous cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange.
"They've got me slotted for February. Hopefully, I'll have lost some weight. I have some nice scenes to shoot with Alan (Rickman, a.k.a. Severus Snape, who's also in Sweeney Todd)."
From another Sweeney article, pretty much talks about stuff we already know though...UUUGGG... Elizabeth Snead talks about Johnny's GORGOUS hair...
Who's to blame for Johnny Depp's 'do?
Did the Demon Barber of Fleet Street strike again? Or did Edward Scissorhands try his hand at beauty school?
Photo credit: Johnny, you know we love ya, but your hair looks a little worse for wear at the New York premiere of Sweeney Todd. Two words: scalp massage.
These people BUG ME!!! uuggg, go do something more productive that talking bad about Johnny's wonderfullness, we know you're just jealous... =)
Like when TMZ talked about Helena's Hair.... when it was lovely!!!! Humph!
Sweeney is a major film... there is no not!
Paramount Pictures has supplied the IESB with a whole bunch of goodies from Tim Burton’s Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street starring Johnny Depp!
We’ve got nine clips, three featurettes and behind the scenes footage from the dark, musical thriller!Johnny Depp and Tim Burton join forces again in a big-screen adaptation of Stephen Sondheim's award-winning "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street."
Depp stars in the title role as a man unjustly sent to prison who vows revenge, not only for that cruel punishment, but for the devastating consequences of what happened to his wife and daughter.
When he returns to reopen his barber shop, Sweeney Todd becomes the Demon Barber of Fleet Street who "shaved the heads of gentlemen who never thereafter were heard from again."
Joining Depp is Helena Bonham Carter as Mrs. Lovett, Sweeney's amorous accomplice, who creates diabolical meat pies.
The cast also includes Alan Rickman, who portrays the evil Judge Turpin, who sends Sweeney to prison and Timothy Spall as the Judge's wicked associate Beadle Bamford and Sacha Baron Cohen is a rival barber, the flamboyant Signor Adolfo Pirelli.
Click on the links below to view IESB’s footage from Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street!
Film Clips
Film Clip 1 - Sweeney Todd Now
Film Clip 3 - You Gandered at my Ward
Film Clip 5 - How Long Until Pirelli Gets Back?
Film Clip 8 - Not While I'm Around
Featurettes and Behind the Scenes Footage
Behind the Scenes Footage Part 1
Behind the Scenes Footage Part 2
Sweeney Todd comes to town on December 21st!
Sweeney Todd

Tim Burton Says....
"It's THE SOUND OF MUSIC with blood." Eccentric moviemaker TIM BURTON on his new movie musical SWEENEY TODD.
"Actress HELENA BONHAM CARTER is convinced moviemaker TIM BURTON finds her attractive because she is the female double of his longtime pal and collaborator JOHNNY DEPP. The Brit, who is expecting a second child with Burton, insists she and Depp, who co-star in the director's new Sweeney Todd musical, share looks and character traits. She explains, "We have the same frown line and there's certain similarities between the two of us, according to Tim - we always like to camouflage ourselves to the hilt when it comes to playing parts and we both loathe watching ourselves. "And we're both pale and tubercular and have big eyes. Tim's always said we would be great in a silent movie. I think he definitely thinks I should've been in a silent movie because I talk too much."
Tim Burton's "Ripley, the movie that might have been"
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