Tuesday, October 6, 2009


There has been a lack of Helena news lately, so I'm sorry you haven't been able to get you HBC (and friends) fix from HBCfanclub, but when there's more movie news it'll be here!

But hey, it's October! If there's a time of year that SCREAMS Tim Burton creatures, Helena Hair, Johnny Depp's brooding eyes and Danny Elfman tunes it's Halloween.  And it's time for you to start working on your Halloween costume! (NO ONE is too old for Halloween!) If you're at a loss of who to dress up as, why not dress up as your favorite Nightmare Before Christmas character? How about Bellatrix or another Potter character? And there's always Capt. Jack Sparrow! When Hallows eve comes around and you put on your Burton-esk attire and gel up your hair to look like Helena's, snap a picture of yourself and send it our way, and we'll put it on the site!

Until then, you should watch some Depp/HBC/Burton movies and please your ears with Danny Elfman orchastration =)

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