Wednesday, September 30, 2009
New Poll
Johnny Depp is Not Dropping Pirates
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Johnny Depp directing a music video?!
Johnny Depp makes his directorial debut filming a music video on Tuesday (September 22) at Hatfield House in Herts, England.
The 46-year-old actor directed the music vid for the British indie band Babybird, which is fronted by Stephen Jones. Also featured in the vid is British actor Stephen Graham (This is England, Snatch!).
While filming, Johnny was seen slipping a noose around Stephen Jones’ neck as well as taking a few cigarette breaks.
Check out some Babybird music on their MySpace.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Geoffrey Rush is excited for Pirates 4
Too many internet reports have exaggerated Johnny Depp's lack of enthusiasm about the movie, due to the loss of Dick Cook, but I believe he will follow through with the movie (that's my thoughts, other sites seem to be stretching what Johnny said about being sad to not work with Cook, but he has also said that Capt. Jack is his favorite role, and he has the most fun on the pirates set, but what do you think will happen?). Though Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom are said to have turned down On Stranger Tides, which is mostly true. It's hard to tell what reports are official, most are kinda sketchy, but this is where the film stands now, return to HBCfanclub for the latest Pirate news! =D
HBC to be the Voice of Macmillan Cancer Support ad
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Burton and Harrhausen
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Johnny May Drop out of Pirates 4??
Cook was the reason Johnny got involved in the Pirate movies in the first place, "He said, 'We're thinking about doing this 'Pirates of the Caribbean' movie, I said I was in. This was before there was a script or anything."
About doing the 4th movie:
"There's a fissure, a crack in my enthusiasm at the moment. It was all born in that office."
When his decission is revieled, you'll see it on HBCfanclub right away.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Tim Burton Inspired Photo Shoot

Helena's next role?
Firth says, "The film takes place before she took on the cuddly Queen Mum mantle, when she was much younger, making Helena ideal. This was when her husband - then the Duke of York - was going through the Abdication crisis and had to prepare himself for public speaking."
The movie should be filmed in London late this year and released late in 2010.
More information will be posted when it's released!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Half-Blood Prince on DVD
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus Pictures!

See them all at the link above.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
9 Featurette
You can also checkout 9 TV Spots, trailers, and clips at their page.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
A Good 9 Review
"Computer graphics have become a staple of modern cinema. Few movies are released without CGI, and many recent computer-animated films — such as “Wall-E” (2008) and “Up” (2009) — are favorites of our generation.
As a fan of this expanding medium, I find it disappointing that computer animation is never featured in action and horror movies. For this reason, it was a thrill to watch “9,” which finally introduces the computer-animation genre to a more mature audience.
“9” is an absolutely gorgeous film full of suspense, and the animation makes it possible for the creators to include sequences that would be impractical with live action."
Finish it at the link above.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
We want to hear from you!
And don't forget that we're looking for fan art, so if you have any original pieces that are HBC, Tim Burton, Danny Elfman, or Johnny Depp related, we want them!
We hope to hear from you!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Tim And Johnny in Anaheim!
LA Times Blog reports the excitement:
As 5,000 fans jumped to their feet, the star emerged in full character, with his bleary ballet of the forever besotted Jack Sparrow.
Cracking wise about rum he also said he'd like a little snack -- that nice frog named Kermit who had been on stage earlier and "probably tastes like chicken."
I wish I had been there... If you were lucky enough to be at the expo please comment with your experience! And if you're sad for missing out like I am, go ahead and voice your sorrows in a comment as well, maybe it will make you feel better...
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Contest Winners!
Cris.. Lovett :)
If you're name is up there, check your email! If not, we still loved your entries, please try again in any future contests we may have!
We're aiming at posting the winning entries and some honorable mentions this weekend, so be patient!
Thanks for participating, Helena Fans!
Pictures From Anaheim!
And here are more Alice photos from the event (I'm thinking I'll probably come across some more soon, so check back soon):
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
9 Has OUTSTANDING Visual Quality!!
I just returned from the theaters this 9th of September in 2009, and I had my mind blown by the movie, 9! Other reviews have said that it lacked plot and had weak storytelling, but I think the story was told beautifully through the animation, music, and images. The movie didn't need a detailed script to tell it's tale. It is definitely one that you need to see on the big screen!
You had to love each of the rag dolls for it's own specific charm, and they were amazing fun to watch, and the detail of the scenery demands that you watch the movie again and again. So if you haven't seen it yet today, go catch a late showing because it's just not the same if you don't watch 9 on 9-9-09 =)
That's pretty much what I had to say, it was a great, very Tim Burton-y movie, and you should see it, discuss it, and love it!
Send us your reviews, and send in those last minute contest entries before 10pm to
The FINAL 9 Contest
What is Tim Burton's favorite stitchpunk character from 9?
Send your answer to and you can also send in entries from any previous contests until 10 Tonight, winners will be announced sometime on the 10th and the best entries will be posted!
Thanks for showing so much love to Helena and the site, send in those final entries, and be sure to go out and see 9 in theaters tomorrow!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Watch Elijah Tonight!
9 Movie Reviews
Visual marvels, not enough story in '9'. Director expands his perfect short, but needs more.
In the world of '9,' less was more '9' worth seeing, but disappoints of the rag dolls: "9" Scientist Gives the World 9
I haven’t heard from anyone in days. Maybe they had to reroute after the strike? But as a pragmatist, I can only assume the more likely outcome and continue on my path.
I am sorry everyone. This world was a place of tarnished beauty, but a place worth fixing nonetheless. And all I ever wanted to do was give my part in fixing it.
We had so much potential… so much promise. But we squandered our gifts.
For whatever it’s worth, these are my new gifts to the world.
I am so empty and alone up here.
It is time.
Our world is ending, but life must go on.
- The Scientist
9 Movie TV Spots
Monday, September 7, 2009
Elijah Wood talks about being a Stitchpunk
Here's a highlight:
How would you describe your "9" character?
[The character named] 1 has kind of created a rule over the others in a means of protecting themselves against the machines, and 9 comes to this world without any knowledge of all [of] the others, the machines. So he’s completely innocent. So there’s this sort of courage and questioning of the innocence he has that he brings to the others, who have stopped questioning and stopped looking for answers and remained sequestered. So it’s a very searching character, a very open [character] — not at all hindered by the fears that the other characters have. So it’s a lot of fun to play — definitely more courageous.
Can you compare your experience to working on "9" to working on "The Lord of the Rings" series?
[He gives a weary laugh.] This is going to happen for the rest of my life. I think there are parallels. I think it’s an adventure story. They [9 and Frodo Baggins] are different characters, but there’s a similarity in … being given a sense of responsibility and a sense of maybe a quest. In this film ["9"], the character is really driving the others to search. [The characters of] 1 through 8, for the most part, have stopped looking for answers. They’re totally hindered by fear and these machines that exist, so the function of 9 is really to put pressure on those characters. He’s a little bit more forthcoming with his drive for answers.
9 Movie Contest-- Sept. 7th
Email your answers to and you'll be entered to win!

Sunday, September 6, 2009
9 Book Contest: #6
1) go to
2)Create your own talisman
3)Email us the link to your talisman (it'll be a unique URL, so make sure you send the right one) to, if you don't want us to post the link just say so, otherwise we'd love to have a big community of Helena fans saving their memories!
That's it just 3 easy steps! So go do it! :)
love, your Helena loving friends of the blog!
Friday, September 4, 2009
The 5th Contest is....
If you want to be entered to win a 9 Movie Book, simply answer this question:
Who are two of Danny Elfman's musical inspirations? (Hint: the answer can be found at one of the sites on our link list).
Send the answer to
9 Photo Gallery with Commentary
New Clips From 9!
And new images from the movie, thanks to
Newsletter today!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Shane Acker says he's open to a sequel
I haven't even seen the movie yet, but I think I'll be wanting more from Shane's post apocalyptic world. What do you think?
The Scientist is making much progress!
If you want to see more 9 artwork, why not try to win a movie book? Check out our contests ;)
Elijah Wood does more press for 9
Here's a video of Elijah's appearance on The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien: Part 1
Part 2:
If you're a tweeter, you should go follow Focus Features because they're giving away a signed 9 Movie poster every time they get 99 new followers, details are on their Twitter page.
Follow up on a previous story: we posted a story about Tom Binns's collection of Alice in Wonderland inspired jewelry, here's a picture of a necklace from the collection:

Johnny Depp on Hulu!
9 Book Contest #3
Here's our current banner

and we need a new one, so send us your photoshop masterpieces! You'll be entered to win a limited edition 9 movie book, and if yours is chosen we'll display it right at the top of the site (so make sure you're OK with everyone seeing it!).
If you photoshop a banner and use copyrighted images be sure to cite it, but (hint, hint) we'd love some original artwork (you can hand draw/paint/color something and scan it, if that's what you fancy) to have exclusively on the site.
As always send entries to before 10pm on September 9th, and come back tomorrow for another chance to win a book (After you enter the previous contests, of course!)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
9 Movie Exclusives and Tim Burton Interviews

Part two of this story comes out tomorrow.
A Tim Burton quote has been going around about his relationship with Johnny Depp:
"It's very nice to have someone that you can have a completely abstract conversation with and leave the room, feel like everything's fine, and then realize that if you pick it apart, you have absolutely no idea what either of you said." —Tim Burton [MTV]
And check out this Q&A with Tim over at,
What's your favorite animated film?
[Long pause] I'd have to pick something that had a lot of impact, which was "Jason and the Argonauts" [by] Ray Harryhausen. That really had an impact on me. The stop-motion animation and the kind of reality and scale of it at the time when I saw it was really amazing.
Would you ever want to remake that film? They're remaking "Clash of the Titans."
[Chuckles] I know. Nah, I think it was good.
How are things coming along with "Dark Shadows"?
I haven't really started that at all. I still have to finish "Alice." So that's a big job ahead of me. It's way too early. [Laughs] Probably in a year's time.
Any ideas that you've already been thinking up for it?
Well, just to try to capture the tone. It was a strange show, it has a strange vibe to it. And that's, I think, key to it.
"Alice" has been all over the place, with photos and trailers and you guys at Comic-Con.
Usually I don't talk about something before it's done. So it's been an odd situation because I [still] have so much work to do. I'm not scared of [all the special effects], per se, but I'm a bit daunted by the time and the unknown quality of it. But that makes it exciting as well.
What about "Frankenweenie"?
Still early. Like I said, the focus I have is "Alice." It's hard to think of anything else that requires a large amount of work.
But that's on the table.
Oh yeah, afterward, yeah. Exactly. Slowly get started.
I saw the latest "Harry Potter" last night, which stars your partner, Helena Bonham Carter. She makes a pretty mean baddie.
[Jokes] Yeah, she's a good witch. She had a lot of practice. She's good at that.
Does she ever come to you for tips on how to channel all that darkness?
No, she keeps it all personal. She keeps it all for her own uses, yeah. Witchcraft uses. [Laughs]
New York's Museum of Modern Art is doing an exhibit on you later this year. That was a little unexpected.
I feel like it's a weird dream—I'm not sure that it's real. But it's very exciting. That's probably more scary than a film, in a certain way. It feels a bit more exposing. I'm trying not to think too much about it. I'm trying to remove myself a bit from it—a bit of an out-of-body experience.
Your films have such a consistent, dark vision. Do you ever wake up wanting to do something crazy like a romantic comedy?
[Chuckles] No. Well, I thought "Sweeney Todd" was a romantic comedy in my mind. So, I think I've already done it. [Laughs] But not the way you're thinking, because that would be scary. But some of those are so scary, they're like horror movies anyway. They don't need my help.
Read it all at the link.
My 9 Fan Art, Let's See Yours!

And this is what I created:

Not the best quality, but taking a picture of your drawing with a digital camera is just fine, so get out your colored pencils, crayons, or paints (or mouse! you can make something on the computer) and send us your art, and you'll be entered to win a 9 movie book!
Also enter the caption contest, and come back tomorrow for another contest to enter.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Elijah Wood on Your TV Screen!
Later tonight he will be on The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien (at 11:35pm, but if you don't want to stay up that late I'll try and find a clip of that too).
Tomorrow he is scheduled to be on Attack of the Show tomorrow (Sept. 2nd) at 7:00 PM so be sure to tune in to that on G4.
Have you sent us your 9 Fan Art yet? Be sure to send it in before the 9th, and check back daily for the newest contest to win a limited edition 9 movie book!
Tim Burton/Shane Acker Interview and HBC is Nominated for a Spike TV SCREAM Award

The title pretty much sums it up, Helena is nominated for "Best Villain" for her role in Harry Potter as Bellatrix Lestrange.
The movie itself was nominated for Best Fantasy Movie,' 'Best Squeal,' and 'Best F/X' categories, while The Death Eaters attach London has been chosen for 'Scene of the Year.' Also Daniel Radcliffe was nominated for 'Best Actor in a Fantasy Movie or TV Show,' Emma Watson for 'Best Actress in a Fantasy Movie or TV Show,' Evanna Lynch for 'Best Supporting Actress,' and Rupert Grint in the 'Best Supporting Actor'.
The SpikeTV SCREAM awards air on October 27th at 10:00pm on US cable network SpikeTV.
Movies Online interviewed Shane Acker and Tim Burton about 9, which you can read here.
Are you working on your 9 Fan Art? If not, you better get started if you want to win a 9 Movie Book!
9 on TV
Don't forget to enter our contest!!
Alice in Wonderland Jewelry?
The White Rabbit, do you suppose he can break dance?
9 Contest-- Day 1!
Everyday between now and 9-9-09 we will have a new contest on the site and a new chance for you to win a limited edition 9 Movie book!
Once a contest is posted we will accept entries until 10pm (Pacific Time) on September 9th.
The first contest is...
Send us your original 9 inspired fan art!
-Create a masterpiece based on the Tim Burton produced movie either on your computer (with paint, photoshop, ect. if you use an actual still from the movie in your piece please cite it!) or hand draw, paint, sketch something and scan it to send to us. (Use your imagination! The more creative it is the greater chance you have at winning!)
-Email us your picture at
-If you don't want us to post your picture please say so in the email, otherwise by sending it to us you agree to allow us to proudly put it on the blog (with any kind of name or caption you want attached to it, so please specify!)
-Drawings will be accepted through the 9th, and we'll keep reminding you of all of the open contests. All book winners will be randomly chosen from the correct entries we receive.
-If you have any questions leave a comment or email us and we'll answer it as best we can.
-Have fun!